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MP4-海边高清外拍视频 - 女人善变歌词信息介绍
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Oceanside - Lainey Lou
Prince charming sing to me
All that I'm missing
Wish you could see the smile I'm trying to withhold
You're leaving little behind
Except this memory of time
All the sun can never shine as bright as you
You leave for one moment
Everyone can't see it
Nothing is breaking
And god's grace is what I'm living
Together stars will fall
The settle hit the walls
Along with every word that I'm singing
So now I'm writing a song
Praying you shall sing along to it some day
This maybe haven't done well
A lot is as far as I can tell
I'm in harmony
And I'm not putting one foot out that door
I know it's silly to say
Just how the simple days keep messing with my plan
A thousand diamond rings
Though nothing I can see can even comprehend
Your eyes meaning thousand days ahead
So now I'm writing a song
Praying you shall sing along to it some day
This maybe haven't done well
A lot is as far as I can tell
I'm in harmony
And I'm not putting one foot out that door
So now I'm writing a song
Praying you shall sing along to it some day
This maybe haven't done well
A lot is as far as I can tell
I'm in harmony
And the oceanside is what I'm searching for
Prince charming sing to me
All that I'm missing
All the sun can never shine as bright as you
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