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当前位置:首页 - 名人 - 明星 - Emma Colberti
Emma Colberti
外文名:Emma Colberti
身 高:168
生 日:1972-10-02
星 座:天秤座
From her youth, Emma Colberti wanted to be a trapezist. And her parents agree: they gave her the means by allowing her to join the school of Gruss circus. At barely nine years old, always impassioned by the spectacle, Emma turned to the theatre. At 14 years old, she followed the Florent courses, which she will continue after Baccalaureat.
From her youth, Emma Colberti wanted to be a trapezist. And her parents agree: they gave her the means by allowing her to join the school of Gruss circus. At barely nine years old, always impassioned by the spectacle, Emma turned to the theatre. At 14 years old, she followed the Florent courses, which she will continue after Baccalaureat.

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剧情: 皮埃尔是一个小型航海旅游公司的老板,为人善良正直,他有一个幸福的家庭,相亲相爱的妻子玛丽,和两个可爱的孩子,15岁的昆汀和17岁的阿娜伊斯,一家人快乐的生活.一次皮埃尔驾船出海,发现了几名划小船出海的游客,他们遇到了海难,危及万分.皮埃尔勇敢的冒着惊涛骇浪去营救他们,结果游客得救了,而他自己却被大海吞没.皮埃尔走了,留下了他的妻子孩子.玛丽已经40岁了,她和孩子们悲痛万分,但坚强的玛丽决定面对困难,独自抚养两个孩子,并且决定接替皮埃尔,继续经营她们的公司.玛丽曾经跟随皮埃尔学习航海,对公司的业务她也勇敢的承担了起来.但是原来的顾客并不接受她,并且,她的孩子也不能理解他的做法.玛丽的职位受到了威胁.为了保护她的公司,并且重新找回家庭的幸福,玛丽开始了她的努力,她能够捍卫她和皮埃尔的事业和尊严吗?




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